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PAMZ now accepting applications for Dr. Martha Kostuch Scholarship

May 17, 2021 | 4:36 PM

The Parkland Airshed Management Zone (PAMZ) is pleased to announce that it is now accepting applications for the Dr. Martha Kostuch Scholarship.

This scholarship celebrates the legacy of environmental advocate Dr. Martha Kostuch, recognized for her significant efforts and ability in stakeholder collaboration. Dr. Martha Kostuch was a founding member and director of PAMZ.

During her 30-year career as an environmental advocate she made a significant impact on how environmental management policy was developed in Alberta.

Martha passed away in 2008 and to honour her memory, the Dr. Martha Kostuch Environmental Education Fund was permanently established to help students from the PAMZ region pursue an education that will benefit the environment.

This award is presented annually to a deserving, graduating high school student in recognition of their outstanding service and leadership, as well as their potential for future achievement in environmental stewardship.

The deadline for applications is midnight, August 1, 2021 and all applicants will be contacted by September 1, 2021.

For more information about the Martha Kostuch Scholarship, please visit www.pamz.org or contact Bailey Doepker at bailey@pamz.org.