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Alberta Regimental Pipe, Drums & Dancers band attends competition in Uruguay

Oct 24, 2022 | 2:17 PM

The Alberta Regimental Pipe, Drums & Dancers band will be attending and competing at the Scottish Pipe Band Association of South America’s (SPBASA) 9th Gathering (G9) in Montevideo, Uruguay later this month.

Officials with Alberta RCMP say this will be the first time a pipe band from outside South America has attended the event and there will be 15 musicians and four dancers travelling to the Uruguayan competition on October 29, 2022. Over the course of six days, they will compete in three events, participating in a massed band parade, conduct clinics and perform in support of the Embassy of Canada to Uruguay.

Officials say all costs for the trip were fundraised by the band through a variety of events including their annual Robbie Burns dinner, silent auctions as well as honorariums from performances.

The Alberta Regimental Pipe, Drums & Dancers band was formed in Edmonton in the early 1990s and is comprised of civilian, military and RCMP volunteer members, led by Pipe Major Mike Johnson and Drum Major Jared Redekopp.