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On Wednesday, Deputy Commissioner Zablocki was part of a ceremony for the newly created RCMP Eagle Staff. Local elders & drummers were present to bless the Staff, which consists of eagle feathers, beading, beaver pelt & is wrapped around a curved staff. (Photo: Alberta RCMP)
Celebrating National Indigenous Peoples Day

Alberta RCMP unveils plaque for Treaty 6 Land Acknowledgment

Jun 23, 2021 | 3:46 PM

On Monday, June 21, the Alberta RCMP welcomed Grand Chief Okimaw Vernon Watchmaker at headquarters for an official Treaty 6 Land Acknowledgment ceremony.

Celebrating National Indigenous Peoples Day and the beginning of a week of activity for the Alberta RCMP, the Land Acknowledgment ceremony began with an opening prayer by Elder Tony Arcand. This was followed by an unveiling of a Treaty 6 Plaque by Grand Chief Okimaw Vernon Watchmaker, which is now mounted in the Edmonton headquarters building.

After the unveiling, there was a Smudging of the Plaque and the Indigenous Flags followed by a flag song by Alexander drummers. Deputy Commissioner Curtis Zablocki, Commanding Officer of the Alberta RCMP, participated in the ceremony with an opening greeting and closing comments for the ceremony.

During the week, scheduled is a virtual Metis performance and presentation on First Nations history for staff, a blessing and welcome ceremony for the new Alberta RCMP Eagle staff, and a presentation by Dr. Wilton Littlechild about Residential schools and Reconciliation to RCMP senior leadership.