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rdnewsNOW file photo of a rough sleeper camp in Red Deer.

Alberta Budget commits $7M for Red Deer emergency shelter

Feb 27, 2020 | 4:06 PM

The latest provincial budget contains more good news for Red Deer in the form of a $7 million commitment for a 160-bed, 24/7 shelter.

The item included in the budget tabled Thursday reads, “The government commits $7 million in the 2020 Capital Plan for the Red Deer Integrated Emergency Shelter to address the urgent need for a larger, more functional and integrated shelter to accommodate the current demand for shelter spaces throughout the year.”

“A 24-7 emergency shelter is one of Red Deer’s most critical social infrastructure needs,” Mayor Tara Veer said in a statement. “Over the past few years, shelter beds were full, at times overflow beds were full, and daytime warming was full. This social crisis has manifested itself in rough sleeper camps causing significant safety and other challenges throughout our community.

Veer says the budget commitment marks the beginning of resolution to some of the social conditions our community has contended with for many years, and a long-term solution for Red Deer’s most vulnerable citizens.

“It’s so great for the community,” says an elated Kath Hoffman with Safe Harbour Society. “It’s been years in the making. Mayor and council did a great job advocating for this for a long time. So many people in the community have helped out in different ways over the years in trying to make sure we have enough shelter for people.”

Hoffman says it’ll take a collaborative community effort moving forward to ensure the new shelter meets the full needs of the community.

“I’ve been at Safe Harbour for 15 years, and for the first time, once that facility is operating we’re going to have enough space, no matter what, for the people who need it. If you’ve ever had to turn someone away from a shelter, you can’t imagine it, it’s a horrible thing. This community’s not going to have to worry about that anymore.”

It’s the second time Red Deer has received shelter funding from the province. The former NDP Government promised $7 million last March for a 120-bed emergency homeless shelter. That funding was later put on hold by the new UCP government before being included in Thursday’s budget announcement.

On Wednesday, Premier Jason Kenney announced $100 million for the first phase of Red Deer Regional Hospital Centre expansion.

NOTE: Mayor Veer and city officials will be sharing their full reaction to the provincial budget on Friday.