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Multiple speakers for Seniors Week in Rocky Mountain House

Jun 5, 2018 | 1:01 PM

It’s seniors week in Rocky Mountain House and across the province.

Today marks the first day of the free speaker series at the Christenson Sports and Wellness Centre.

Financial Wellness for seniors, presented by the Rocky Credit Union is the first of 5 presenters.

“There’s income sources, people might not know they can apply for something and often one program leads to another program,” says Andrea Vassallo, FCSS Manager for Clearwater County. “So that can mean money in the bank.”

The weeks of events aims to give seniors resources that are directly available in the local community.

Information about programs on physical activity, mental health and elder abuse are available.

Nearly 15% of people above 65 have levels of depressive symptoms, displaying a need for higher senior involvement in the community.

“We have an ageing population, there’s just more and more seniors” Vassallo says. “We just want to make sure the needs of everybody in our community are being met. We see this as a good area to celebrate seniors and to raise awareness about what we have locally.”

Vassallo says senior supports are available once this week of events passes.

The Primary Care Network based out of Rocky Mountain house is one resource, offering services for people fighting chronic disease, as-well as programs that promote happiness.

In addition to the speaker series, various events like chair yoga, a seniors’ swim and an ice cream social will be open and free to the public.

Visit Christenson Sports & Wellness Centre’s facebook page for more information.