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(Red Deer Emergency Services)
"Love, Canada"

Red Deer firefighters donate 53 sets of gear to Ukraine

Mar 26, 2022 | 12:04 PM

Red Deer Emergency Services (RDES) is sending 53 sets of firefighting clothing to Ukraine.

On the back underneath ‘RDES,’ the jackets bear a message written in Ukrainian, reading ‘Glory to Ukraine and glory to the heroes. Love, Canada.’

The initiative was taken by Grant Wasylewich, a member of RDES, whose father is a retired firefighter in Lethbridge. Grant’s grandfather was born in a small farming town outside of Kyiv — Ukraine’s capital.

The kits being sent over will include jackets, pants and boots, and were delivered this week to the Ukrainian Canadian Congress, Calgary branch.

They’ll be sent, says Wasylewich, to “brave” aid workers on the Polish-Ukrainian border, where they’ll then be dispersed to where the need is most.

“Heartbreak, is how I would describe it,” says Wasylewich of seeing what’s happened over the last month in his grandparents’ native country. “I’m sure it’s the same for almost everyone; it’s just shock and awe at what is an unprovoked invasion. The news is horrifying.”

Wasylewich says first responders like he and his colleagues in Red Deer are trained to want to do something.

“This has just snowballed,” he says. “At first, it was five or six fire departments in the Lethbridge area who were asked, then I asked our leadership here, and now Lloydminster has reached out to offer help. It’s amazing.”

Wasylewich’s grandfather fought for Ukraine during WWII, before taking his family to Canada — Calgary, to be specific, he shares.

Curtis Schaefer, Assistant Deputy Chief with RDES, explains that the firefighting sets were available because they were expired from meeting current standards for safety. But they’re still serviceable for this purpose, he adds.

“We’re hearing stories about all the fires going on in Ukraine, and regular everyday citizens are helping fight them,” he laments. “So hopefully that clothing can help those citizens stay just a little bit safer.”

Schaefer says the gesture feels good, as far as knowing he has a team willing and wanting to do their part, even if it’s, in his words, a “small” act.

“It just feels right to donate to this cause,” he says.

For Wasylewich, he asks Canadians to keep Ukraine in mind.

“First, I can’t imagine how brave some of these folks are at the border, getting stuff to where it needs to go,” he says. “What the people of Ukraine are going through is unimaginable. If you have means to donate money or supplies, please do so. Even if you can’t, just spread the word.”

The Ukrainian Canadian Congress in Alberta can be reached at 780-414-1624 for more information about making donations.