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Brett Kissel (Credit: Warner Music Canada)
June 3

Alberta Education hosting virtual ‘Mental Wellness Day for Schools’

May 20, 2021 | 12:46 PM

The provincial government is hosting a virtual Mental Wellness Day for Schools.

The event will take place across Alberta on June 3 in order to support and recognize the resilience of students, parents, teachers and staff.

All teachers, parents, students and education staff are invited to take part in free online sessions on mental health and wellness. Activities will include a performance and message from Alberta’s own country music star Brett Kissel, as well as “inspirational messages” from members of the Edmonton Oilers, Calgary Flames and others.

There will be fun, age-appropriate activities for children and youth led by Alberta Health Services, Ever Active Schools and Jack.org.

Sessions for adults include talks by the College of Alberta School Superintendents, resilience expert Michael Ungar, clinical psychologist Jody Carrington and RESPECT Group co-founder Sheldon Kennedy.

Most of the sessions will be recorded and available to view online afterwards. More details on how to get involved are available here.

“I want to acknowledge that this has been an incredibly challenging school year in many ways. I truly commend our teachers and education staff for their ability to rise to those challenges to meet the needs of their students,” said Education Minister Adriana LaGrange.

“The resilience of our students, parents, teachers, support staff, administrators and everyone in our education system is extremely remarkable. I hope these online sessions offer valuable tools, lessons, encouragement and an enjoyable break as we look forward to completing the school year and enjoying a relaxing summer ahead.”

“Focusing on our mental and emotional health is so, so key. Sometimes it’s easy to forget to be mindful of how we actually feel mentally – but it’s important to take time each and every day to check in,” said Kissell.

“Find something that works for you – go for a walk, take a social media break, list out things you’re grateful for or review your short- and long-term goals; we do this in my family daily and it truly leads to clarity, a healthier mind, and ultimately greater happiness. I’m excited to spend some time with you talking more about this on June 3 for Alberta Education’s Mental Wellness Day.”

Alberta Education has a budget of $25,000 for the event.

Carrington said, “Educators do some of the most important work on the planet, especially now in this wake of a year-and-a-half-long pandemic. Looking after them is the priority; if they’re not okay, our kids won’t be either. I look forward to leading this important session in June.”

The province says it has provided more than $53 million this school year to make it easier for students, families and all Albertans to access mental health information, supports and referrals.

Funding has helped the Kids Help Phone, Mental Health Helpline and Addiction Helpline. Additionally, the Government of Alberta has partnered with Jack.org to create a resource hub for youth mental health, which includes multiple free online tools designed for youth.