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Starting Monday

New restrictions limit golf in Alberta to single-household or close contacts

May 7, 2021 | 3:57 PM

Alberta’s latest public health restrictions take a slice out of who you can head out with for a round of golf.

A statement from the National Allied Golf Association (NAGA) Alberta on Thursday explained that as part of the province’s latest COVID-19 measures, public and private golf is limited to two people from the same household, or, if they live alone, one of their two close contacts.

The new measures take effect Monday and are slated to remain in place for three weeks.

“With the recent announcements based on surging case numbers, we are fortunate to have been provided with an opportunity to remain open for the enjoyment by Albertans. However, this needs to be done responsibly,” NAGA President Erica Beck said in Thursday’s statement.

“Today, we were informed that golf was on the list of industries to be closed, however, the industry’s commitment to being responsible and ensuring protocols were put into place to maintain the safety and well-being of golfers were the key deciding factors in the industry being permitted to remain open. We strongly urge all golf courses to continue to remain vigilant as the safety of staff and guests remains our utmost priority and we ask that all facilities do their part to adhere to all AHS guidelines.”

It may not be ideal, but at least it’s something given the fact that golf courses in Ontario are currently closed as part of that province’s public health restrictions.

In an email Thursday evening, River Bend Golf and Recreation Area General Manager Rob McPherson said acknowledged that the changes will make golf look “totally different” for the time being.

“We are a City of Red Deer facility and we are not going to bend the protocols of Alberta Health Services,” he explained. “We get everyone’s frustration but we still get to golf maybe not as much or as often as we would like for the next three weeks… Try and stay patient with staff as this is a curve ball for all of us. Let’s make the best out of a tough situation!”

During a news conference on Friday, Premier Jason Kenney said he would have the province’s public health team look at whether groups of four could be permitted to golf if players are socially distanced, and suggested that Alberta Golf come up with a proposal.