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The Weather Network’s Summer 2020 forecast

Jun 1, 2020 | 6:20 AM

OAKVILLE, ON,- After a sluggish spring, summer has burst onto the scene across much of Canada.

Is the hot summer weather here to stay?

To answer that question, The Weather Network has released its summer forecast for the months of June, July, and August with an overview of what Canadians can expect this season.

The Weather Network’s summer forecast highlights an abundance of warm weather across most of Canada with near normal or slightly above normal temperatures expected for much of the country.

“While many Canadians experienced an abrupt transition from record cold to record heat during May, this is not the start of a relentlessly hot summer,” said Chris Scott, Chief Meteorologist. “June will feature swings between mid-summer warmth and fresher spring weather before more consistent heat takes over for July and August. Heat waves are likely, especially for Southern Ontario and Quebec, but periodic breaks in the heat will keep the summer from being an all-out scorcher.”

Across the prairies, a typical summer is expected across most of the region. Periods of hot and dry weather are likely, but a stormy pattern at times and shots of cooler weather will keep temperatures and precipitation near normal for most areas. An active storm track could bring above normal rainfall to areas near and north of the Yellowhead Highway. A cooler summer is expected across far northern areas, and western parts of the region could turn colder than normal during August.

For Alberta, the outlook is for near normal temperatures for most of the province, below normal temperatures across northeast regions.

Precipitation is forecast to be near normal for most areas, above normal in northcentral regions of Alberta.