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rent frozen, evictions paused

Alberta renters given more certainty amid COVID-19 crisis

Mar 27, 2020 | 5:14 PM

Alberta Premier Jason Kenney announced Friday that no Albertans will be evicted on April 1 due to an inability to pay rent.

Alberta is one of the final provinces to make that decision, and it is part of the overall $7.7 billion plan to ease the financial burden of individuals during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Civil enforcement of evictions currently underway will be suspended until April 30. The province is also freezing rent increases while Alberta’s state of public health emergency is in effect, including increases that were scheduled months ago.

Fees for late payments over the next three months will be suspended.

“We want to be clear: As of today, no one will be facing immediate eviction from their home for non-payment of rent or utilities owed to the landlord,” Kenney said.

“Additionally, tenants will not face increasing financial pressure from rent increases or fees for late rent payments. We are expecting landlords and tenants to work together to figure out payment plans that help everyone meet financial obligations as we manage COVID-19, and we are doing further policy work on support for renters during these tough times.”

Landlords will be obliged to negotiate payment plans that accommodate renters’ financial circumstances.

“We’ve been listening to the financial concerns of landlords and tenants and these measures protect Albertans and give them time to get back on their feet,” said Nate Glubish, Minister of Service Alberta. “This is more practical relief from the immediate financial pressures on Albertans – on top of emergency isolation supports, deferrals of utility bill and student loan payments, an education property tax freeze, and ATB Financial mortgage deferrals.”

Renters will be obliged to pay as fully and consistently as possible. Both parties will be obliged to take into account financial supports in place from federal and provincial governments.

More on the announcement is at Alberta.ca/covid19.

(With file from CHAT News Today, Chris Brown)