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huge voter turnout

Alberta smashes advance poll turnout records

Apr 11, 2019 | 4:32 PM

It took only two days, but Albertans have already broken records for advance poll turnout for the 2019 election.

According to Elections Alberta, after two days, unofficial advance poll numbers show 276,000 Albertans have cast their ballots for the upcoming election.

In 2015, approximately 235,000 voters cast ballots over the four days of the advance polls.

According to the numbers from Elections Alberta, roughly 193,000 ballots have been cast in a voter’s electoral district.

New this year in the provincial election is the ability for voters to cast their ballots for their riding at any polling place. Elections Alberta says approximately 83,000 of advance votes cast were outside a voters’ electoral district, and the number rose over the two days.

Votes from outside a voter’s electoral district will be counted the day following the provincial election.

Advance polls run until Saturday.