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Red Deerians take steps to end poverty at the Coldest Night of the Year fundraiser

Feb 22, 2019 | 5:55 AM

RED DEER- This Saturday, Feb. 23, Red Deerians will be bundling up and bracing the cold weather to raise funds for The Mustard Seed in the Coldest Night of the Year (CNOY) walkathon fundraiser.

Every year, tens of thousands of Canadians participate in CNOY, raising funds and awareness for organizations that serve the hungry, homeless, and hurting.

The 2, 5, and 10k walk occurs simultaneously in 113 cities across the nation, including The Mustard Seed Red Deer’s counterpart regions in Edmonton, Calgary, and Kamloops.

This year, the organization hopes to raise $20,000 from the event.

“Red Deerians have demonstrated their commitment to their city and those in it who need our help the most,” says Byron Bradley Managing Director of The Mustard Seed Red Deer location. “The Coldest Night of the Year fundraiser is a great example of the overall dedication of our community to alleviating poverty.”

The money raised in Red Deer will help to provide school lunches to children from low-income families, evening meals for those in need, and a variety of support services or people experiencing poverty and homelessness.

(Gary McKinnon)