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Lacombe on board with Blackfalds stormwater plan

Oct 17, 2018 | 11:25 AM

A proposal by the Town of Blackfalds to have rain water directed into Lacombe Lake has earned support from The City of Lacombe.

The Northwest Area Master Stormwater Management Plan would see rain water from new developments in Blackfalds transported through underground pipelines to a development-specific stormwater management facility for attenuation and treatment before being discharged to Lacombe Lake, Whelp Brook and Wolf Creek.

City of Lacombe officials says they are satisfied that Blackfalds has addressed potential impacts of the plan.

“The Town of Blackfalds has considered the long-term environmental impact of their master stormwater management plan on the Whelp Brook water basin through Lacombe, and has developed a comprehensive plan that satisfies us and is consistent with the City’s goals for the sustainability of its physical assets,” Lacombe Mayor Grant Creasey says in a release.

“This project is important to the growth of our Town and our region,” stated Town of Blackfalds Mayor, Richard Poole. “We wanted to make sure that the concerns raised were addressed and that we went above and beyond the Provincial standards to satisfy these concerns.”

Local residents remain steadfastly opposed to the plan, saying it will have a drastic effect on water quality, fish and wildlife, weed growth and water levels on Lacombe Lake.

Blackfalds and Lacombe officials say the plan demonstrates how the full build-out of the future northwest development area in Blackfalds will responsibly manage stormwater in accordance with regulatory requirements and previous Water Act approval. The proposed design has been completed to meet or exceed Alberta Environment and Parks’ standards for stormwater management design.

The Northwest Area Master Stormwater Management Plan is currently awaiting approval from Alberta Environment and Parks.