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The Werklund Agriculture and Technology Centre. (Olds College of Agriculture & Technology)
Werklund Agriculture and Technology Centre

Olds College of Agriculture & Technology names new building after philanthropists David and Susan Norman-Werklund

Sep 22, 2022 | 4:27 PM

Olds College of Agriculture & Technology has announced the naming of its newest learning facility after the Werklund family.

On September 22, officials stated that the new Werklund Agriculture and Technology Centre was named after Dave Werklund and Susan Norman-Werklund “in recognition of their leadership investment and unrelenting support that has transformed the College into one of Canada’s premiere agriculture and agri-food learning and research institutions”.

The Centre officially opened to students on September 6, 2022, for the first day of fall term classes.

The new $14 million dollar facility, which officials state was completed on time and on budget, features 3,000 square metres of technology-focused learning space, including a lecture theatre, three large hands-on ag-tech labs, collaboration and group areas for students, as well as a student common space located in the heart of the building. The College says the new facility was made possible, in part, by the support and commitment from the Werklunds.

The College says the Werklunds are community leaders and dedicated philanthropists whose commitment and enthusiasm for agriculture and student learning has shaped Olds College for generations of learners, producers, and industry partners.

They claim the learning centre is not only innovative but stands as a testament to the Werklunds’ ardent belief in future ag leaders who are developing the skills, knowledge, and expertise needed to evolve and transform Canada’s ag sector.

“We are honoured to have this incredible learning space named after us. The programs offered through the Werklund School of Agriculture Technology will lead the way to a revolutionary change in agricultural learning,” said the Werklunds. “We firmly believe in investing in youth and education. Olds College of Agriculture & Technology was a natural choice for us because of its longstanding commitment to agriculture education.”

The new Werklund Agriculture and Technology Centre will house the College’s Werklund School of Agriculture & Technology programs, including the new Bachelor of Digital Agriculture Degree; the first baccalaureate degree to be offered by the institution.

“The Werklund Agriculture and Technology Centre is a state-of-the-art learning facility that creates a high-tech learning environment for our students,” said Patrick Machacek, Vice-President, Development & Strategy. “On behalf of Olds College of Agriculture & Technology, I would like to thank David and Susan for their continued support of our students and for investing their time, wisdom and entrepreneurial spirit in support of our continued growth as Canada’s premiere agriculture college.”

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