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Canada Road Safety Week

Alberta RCMP promote safe driving behaviours over Victoria Day long weekend

May 17, 2022 | 10:17 AM

It’s Canada Road Safety Week (CRSW) and Alberta RCMP are joining the cause in spreading the message to drivers.

From May 17-23, the Alberta RCMP is promoting safe driving behaviours as they relate to impaired driving, distracted driving, aggressive driving, occupant restraints, and more – all in support of the CRSW, led by the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police’s (CACP).

The purpose of the annual campaign, officials say, is to reinforce safe driving measures in order to save lives and reduce injuries on roadways.

In addition to sharing traffic safety information throughout the week over its social media platforms, the Alberta RCMP will be enforcing sober driving over the Victoria Day long weekend on National Impaired Driving Enforcement Day, which falls on Saturday, May 21.

“In 2021, Alberta RCMP issued 2,321 traffic safety tickets and removed a total of 101 impaired drivers from the roads over the Victoria Day Long weekend,” said Insp. Chris Romanchych, Alberta RCMP Traffic Services. “The driving decisions you make not only impact you, but also everyone else you are sharing the road with. So this long weekend, we encourage motorists to think of others when they get behind the wheel and to choose safe driving behaviours.”

With law enforcement agencies across the province, the Alberta RCMP say they will be working to make provincial streets and highways safe for all road users this holiday long weekend.

For more traffic safety information, follow the Alberta RCMP on Facebook @RCMPinAlberta and Twitter @RCMPAlberta.

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