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Follow Santa on his journey around the world

Dec 24, 2020 | 10:41 AM

This Christmas is different in a lot of ways, but one thing that remains the same is Santa’s undaunted mission to bring gifts to boys and girls around the world.

For the 65th consecutive year, the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) is tracking Santa’s yuletide journey around the globe.

NORAD is a bi-national U.S. and Canadian command charged with aerospace and maritime warning and aerospace control of North America, as well as monitoring aerospace activity globally. However, every year during the holidays, NORAD assumes the supplementary mission of tracking Santa as he travels around the world.

“Thanks to the dedicated men and women who keep a watchful eye over North American airspace 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. NORAD tracks everything that flies in and around North America. On December 24, we also have the special mission of tracking and escorting Santa,” said Major-General Eric Kenny, Commander of the Canadian NORAD Region.

“Utilizing the North Warning System’s powerful radar and satellite systems, we are able to see into the North better than ever, allowing us to track Santa more precisely, ensuring he has a safe trip through North American airspace.”

You can follow the man in red’s journey through the NORAD Tracks Santa website (www.noradsanta.org).

Website visitors can watch NORAD’s “Santa Cams” as they stream videos as Santa makes his way over various locations.

You can also call to inquire as to Santa’s whereabouts by dialing the toll-free number 1-877-HI-NORAD (1877-446-6723) where they will either speak with a live phone operator or hear a recorded update.

Follow Santa’s journey and share your story on Facebook and Twitter @noradsanta using the hashtag #NORADTracksSanta.

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