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Town of Rocky taking control of North Saskatchewan River Park

Jan 15, 2020 | 2:00 PM

The Town of Rocky Mountain House is taking over management of North Saskatchewan River Park starting later this year.

The town has sent a letter to the Rocky Agricultural and Stampede Association (RASA) notifying them that are terminating their North Saskatchewan River Park (NSRP) lease agreement, effective July 14.

In the letter, CAO Dean Krause explained they held numerous discussions concerning upgrades and grant funding to the improvements on the leased property.

As a result of those discussions, the Town said it had concerns about the upgrades and the withheld grant funding.

“Of course we’re disappointed, the lease was never negotiated,” says Janette Strom, RASA Vice President. “We received of framework of what they wanted but it was never negotiated. This was out of the blue, we had no idea this was happening.”

Strom says they’re also disappointed that after more than 40 years the future of pro rodeo in Rocky Mountain House is up in the air.

“We still need to get together and discuss what we’re going to do,” she explains. “We’ve appreciated everything from our community, and the sponsorship, and it has been our blood sweat and tears that have built it up to what it is.”

The Rocky Mountain Chuckwagon Association (RMCA) claimed last year that having to work simultaneously with RASA and the Town regarding the park, along with grant promises being broken, were the reasons they were considering not holding another Battle of the Rockies pro chuckwagon event in 2020.

The RMCA held its annual meeting and elections earlier this month. That’s where a large number of members chose to step away from there direct involvement, due to the “frustration and challenges with the governance of the North Saskatchewan River Park facilities,” as stated by a RMCA representative.

An interim Board of Directors has been established and the RMCA hopes to host the Battle of the Rockies again this year.

Starting July 15, all bookings and operations of the NSRP and rodeo ground will be handled by the Town of Rocky’s Department of Recreation and Community Services.

“Council is responding to community calls for a professionally-managed facility with consistent booking procedures,” reads a media release. “The Town of Rocky Mountain House aims to move forward in a positive manner with future bookings of the NSRP and rodeo grounds.”

The Town reaffirmed in their letter to RASA that they are prepared to enter into a long-term rental agreement for the association to still hold its future events at the site.

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