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Red Deer RCMP tips on when to report motor vehicle collisions

Apr 13, 2018 | 9:12 AM

RED DEER- On this snowy day, Red Deer RCMP would like to remind drivers when and how to report motor vehicle collisions.

RCMP also remind drivers to slow down and drive for the conditions.

Do you need police at the scene of a motor vehicle collision?

If there is a serious injury or fatality, or if drugs or alcohol are involved, call 911.

If any involved vehicle is not drivable, or if any driver fails to produce registration or insurance, call the RCMP complaint line at 403-343-5575 (24 hours).

If the vehicles are drivable and the above factors don’t apply, you don’t need police at the scene.

Do you need to report a collision to police after the fact?

You must make a police report after the collision if there is any injury, even a minor one, or if there appears to be $2000 or more in damage (if you aren’t sure, get an estimate first).

Exchange information with the other driver:

You need to exchange registration, insurance and drivers’ license information with the other driver(s). If you have a cell phone, it’s easiest to take photographs of that information. Make sure to also take pictures of the damage to all involved vehicles and the collision location.

Report the collision in person at the downtown (4602 51 Avenue) or north (6592 58 Avenue) detachments:

You will need to provide the registration, insurance and drivers’ license information you exchanged with the other driver, damage to involved vehicles and the collision location. You will need to fill out a collision report.

Reporting a Hit and Run:

If you are the victim of a hit and run, report it to the police. If you have already moved your vehicle, please attend the detachment to report the hit and run. If you see the other vehicle, record its make, model, and license plate number – partial license plates may be useful.

For more information visit www.reddeer.ca/rcmp.