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Lacombe County anglers reminded to register ice fishing huts

Dec 19, 2018 | 3:04 PM

(Lacombe, Alberta, December 19, 2018) With colder weather here, Lacombe County would like to encourage people with ice fishing huts on local lakes about the Take it Off program for Gull Lake, Sylvan Lake, and Buffalo Lake.

“Most of the people on the lakes seem to understand the importance are taking their huts and garbage out with them before spring arrives and the Take it Off program is a great way to protect our water resources,” said Lacombe County Environmental Coordinator Jennifer Berry. “We do remind people that they need to re-register each year to get their identification card.”

Why is it important to register your ice hut?

Registering is completely voluntary and it ensures that each hut is accounted for at the end of the ice fishing season, reducing the likelihood of ice huts falling through the ice in the spring and polluting the lake. This not only helps to protect the environment, but also ensures the safety of the animals who depend on that water source, as well as lake users throughout the year. Registration of huts also protects ice fishing huts from vandalism and theft, and helps identify the owner of ice huts in the event of any issues related to ice hut property.

The registration process is quick, easy and free of charge. Once completed, an identification card will be mailed to each angler. Ice hut identification cards must be clearly displayed on the outside of each ice hut. Lacombe County reminds anglers to inform us about any changes of contact information by contacting the Lacombe County Office.

To register an ice hut on Sylvan Lake please visit www.sylvanlake.ca/take-it-off. Anglers on both Gull Lake and Buffalo Lake can register their ice hut online by visiting the Lacombe County website or by calling the County Office at 403-782-8959.