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Zoning bylaw changes to be considered by Red Deer city council in April

Mar 24, 2025 | 4:47 PM

Recommendations from the Municipal Planning Commission (MPC) around basement suite regulations will be considered by Red Deer’s city council in April, when it receives a report on other zoning bylaw implementation updates.

During council’s regular meeting on March 24, it received a resolution from the MPC recommending it review the regulations applying to backyard suites, specifically height restrictions; lot size, site coverage and developed floor area; and historic neighbourhoods.

With multiple options before them, councillors voted unanimously in favour of postponing the consideration of the MPC recommendations until they see an updated report on the zoning bylaw, expected to be presented by the end of April.

At that point, council will have fulsome information regarding what the current picture looks like and what the best way to address these recommendations will be.

City Manager Tara Lodewyk added, the benefit of this approach means administration can look at the challenges comprehensively and propose solutions that work together, rather than making individual changes multiple times. This also helps prevent burnout in the citizens responding to multiple community consultation efforts on these matters.

The resolution was also amended by Coun. Dianne Wyntjes to include the end of Q3 as the deadline for any potential changes and zoning bylaw amendments to be brought forward.

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