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Red Deer County Mayor Jim Wood (left) and Red Deer Mayor Ken Johnston (right). (Supplied)
the windy city

Mayors of Red Deer & Red Deer County to showcase region’s potential in Chicago

Apr 4, 2024 | 4:41 PM

The mayors of Red Deer and Red Deer County are taking the message of this region’s economic development and growth potential to The Windy City.

Mayors Ken Johnston and Jim Wood are heading to Chicago to “spearhead a new era” of said growth, showcasing Red Deer’s readiness for global business endeavors.

The trip is facilitated by the Government of Alberta and in collaboration with Red Deer Regional Airport, very similar to a trip Johnston and Wood took with government and airport officials to Paris, France in 2023.

On that note, the Chicago trip is also an opportunity, The City says, to participate in Aviation Week and spotlight central Alberta’s “flourishing aerospace sector,” one that has esteemed status within the global aerospace industry, it’s also noted.

“Mayor Wood and I are thrilled to build upon the discussions initiated last year at the Paris Air Show,” says Johnston. “Our message is clear: central Alberta is the premier destination for business in the province, emerging as a dynamic logistics hub, and primed for an exhilarating future.”

During the visit, the mayors, along with Red Deer Regional Airport interim CEO Nancy Paish, will engage in conversations with government officials industry leaders and potential investors.

“Central Alberta offers unique economic advantages which help us draw investments and foster job creation,” says Wood. “Our efforts aim to highlight the incredible potential of our region to international partners, forging ties that will bolster trade, information transfer, and collaboration for our region’s prosperity.”

The trip, which is taking place next week, is being covered by the airport.


Alberta’s regional airports get $1.13 million investment