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engaging politicians and decision-makers

‘Community Strong’ launches to unite central Albertans for positive change

Mar 27, 2024 | 2:18 PM

A new non-partisan group has formed in central Alberta to encourage central Albertans, organizers say, in the pursuit of positive change, by engaging with municipal politicians, local organizations, and key decision-makers.

Community Strong says its launch coincides coincidentally with the upcoming Red Deer byelection, further clarifying that it is not taking action or countering anyone running in the byelection.

“The era of disinterested, disconnected, and disaffected decision makers must come to an end. Right now many in our communities, especially younger generations, feel there is no purpose in voting and engaging in municipal politics because they feel nothing changes,” says Coreen Spencer, spokesperson.

“Community Strong aims to give these people a reason to get engaged. Active, responsive and engaged local leaders are who we want championing our needs and listening to the community.”

Spencer goes on to say that one’s postal code shouldn’t determine the quality of care or type of education one has access to, nor should it affect how their roads are maintained.

That’s why, she says, Community Strong is, “mobilizing to elect officials that support our public services.”

“We weren’t expecting the byelection when we started this project and it is an important opportunity for us to engage in municipal politics and a meaningful dialogue with Red Deerians and candidates,” says another spokesperson Jeramie Tivendale.

“We aren’t waiting around for someone else to make a difference; we’re making that difference happen. As we continue to grow and expand, our impact will only become more tangible.”

For more information about the group, visit communitystrongalberta.ca.