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Edmonton-Whitemud MLA Rakhi Pancholi is backing out of the Alberta NDP leadership race. (Photo: Alberta NDP)

Pancholi drops out of Alberta NDP leadership race

Mar 26, 2024 | 8:44 AM

One person who was looking to lead the Alberta NDP is instead taking things in a different direction.

Rakhi Pancholi has announced that she is dropping out of the party’s leadership race.

The MLA for Edmonton-Whitemud says she entered the contest in early February in hopes of broadening the NDP’s appeal and membership, and offering Alberta “something positive to vote for.”

Just recently, however, the candidates all received updates on membership sales and Pancholi says it turns out that she was not the one to make those changes.

It was former Calgary mayor Naheed Nenshi, who reportedly doubled the size of the NDP’s membership in just one week.

“Growing our party has always been and will continue to be my first priority. Rather than compete with each other, I want to unite us behind our shared visions and mutual goals,” says Pancholi. “So today, I am announcing that I will be ending my campaign to be leader of the Alberta NDP.”

She explains her belief that the party must move forward to offer a positive alternative to the United Conservative party that Albertans can enthusiastically support in the 2027 provincial election.

Pancholi has officially given her endorsement to Nenshi, who she believes will become the NDP’s next leader.

“I am looking forward to working with Naheed as we build this new vision,” says Pancholi.

She adds that she is proud of the race she has run so far and is grateful for the opportunity to meet with Albertans in all corners of the province.

There are still five people looking to become the leader of the Alberta NDP, including Nenshi, Calgary-Mountain View MLA Kathleen Ganley, Edmonton-Glenora MLA Sarah Hoffman, Edmonton-Rutherford MLA Jodi Calahoo Stonehouse, and Alberta Federation of Labour leader Gil McGowan.

Hoffman offered a brief statement regarding Pancholi’s decision, saying, “My friend Rakhi ran a thoughtful and stylish campaign and I’ll definitely miss her on the debate stage. I say thank you to Rakhi and her whole team of staff and volunteers for everything they’ve done to build our party.

The Alberta NDP plans to choose its next leader on June 22, 2024, at which time, current leader Rachel Notley will step down.

Leadership hopeful Naheed Nenshi released the following statement Tuesday in response:

“When Rakhi Pancholi announced she was running for leader of Alberta’s NDP, the province (and all my group texts!) lit up with excitement. Rakhi, you presented values all Albertans share: optimism, hope, and opportunity.

“Existing members were thrilled–of course!–but outside our party, a lot of people that had never thought about voting orange began buying memberships and paying attention. Your description of our future was the kind of province and the kind of promise that felt like Alberta. Like a place all of us are proud to call home.

“Rakhi, thank you for the endorsement. You’ve run a courageous, thoughtful, and powerful campaign. You and your team reached thousands and inspired us with the belief that, here, anything is possible. Together, we can carry that message to everyone in this province and build an Alberta for all of us.”

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