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Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Services Mike Ellis at the Calgary International Airport, announcing funding to help combat human trafficking on February 22, 2024. (Photo: Government of Alberta/YourAlberta on YouTube)

Province announces $3.5 million to help combat human trafficking

Feb 22, 2024 | 12:21 PM

The Government of Alberta has announced funding to help fight human trafficking.

On Feb. 22, 2024, which marks National Human Trafficking Awareness Day in Canada, the province unveiled $3.5 million in funding to aid 20 anti-human trafficking community organizations in Alberta.

Officials said human traffickers prey on vulnerable individuals and through the funding, the organizations will be able to enhance the services they provide on the front lines, build operational capacity and reach vulnerable populations, including youth, Indigenous and newcomers.

“Human trafficking is an unthinkable crime that denies a person their safety, freedom and individuality. Fighting this heinous crime is a key priority for Alberta’s government,” said Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Services Mike Ellis.

“The funding we’ve announced will be used by community organizations and service providers to increase and strengthen wraparound supports for survivors, break the cycle of recidivism for victims and support efforts to uproot the criminal networks profiting from the cruelty they inflict on Albertans.”

News conference announcing funding to combat human trafficking, February 22, 2024. (Video: Government of Alberta/YourAlberta on YouTube)

The province noted that in 2022, there were 528 police-reported incidents of human trafficking in Canada, but most cases go unreported, and the true number of cases and victims is unknown.

The organizations set to receive funding include:

  • Centre to End All Sexual Exploitation (CEASE)
  • RESET Society of Calgary
  • Waypoints
  • Action Coalition on Human Trafficking Alberta (ACT Alberta)
  • Catholic Social Services
  • HER Victory
  • #NotInMyCity
  • Central Alberta Child Advocacy Centre
  • Community Response Model (Hull Services)
  • Alberta Human Trafficking Provincial Network
  • #NotInMyCity – The Maddison Sessions
  • Edmonton Multicultural Health Brokers
  • Kainai Transition Centre Society
  • Metis Child & Family Services Society
  • Native Counselling Services of Alberta
  • Creating Hope Society of Alberta
  • Wood Buffalo Wellness Society
  • Tsuut’ina Nation Police Service
  • Policy Wise – HT Data Portal
  • Calgary Centre for Newcomers


In addition to the funding announcement, the government also named Angela Adsit and Paul Brandt as the new co-chairs for the Alberta Office to Combat Trafficking in Persons board of directors.

In their roles, Brandt and Adsit will offer survivor-centered and culturally-relevant guidance to the board. In the next few months, they will work with community partners to fill remaining board positions and staff operations.

“I am honoured to be an Indigenous voice as co-chair of the AOCTIP Governing Board. While human trafficking can affect anyone, over 50 per cent of trafficking victims in Canada are Indigenous despite only representing 4 per cent of the national population,” Adsit said.

“Indigenous children in care are over-represented and incredibly vulnerable to being trafficked. These children are all our children, and we are stronger working together to protect and advocate on their behalf.”

Meanwhile, Brandt stated, “Trafficking is a violation of one’s most basic human rights, and leaves lives shattered, but awareness with action ends exploitation.”

“As co-chair of the AOCTIP Governing Board, I’m pleased to be a part of this unique ‘made in Alberta’ approach to combatting human trafficking in Canada,” Brandt added.

The Alberta Office to Combat Trafficking in Persons was announced in response to recommendations made by the Alberta Human Trafficking Task Force. It aims to raise awareness of human trafficking as a serious, province-wide issue as well as support a coordinated approach to confronting it.

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