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The provincial government says its mountain pine beetle control program is proving to be a success in Alberta. (Photo 191262700 © Cristi Croitoru | Dreamstime.com)
Destructive Pest

Mountain pine beetle control program a success in Alberta

Dec 21, 2023 | 4:32 PM

The mountain pine beetle population is dwindling in Alberta.

That’s according to the provincial government, who said Alberta’s mountain pine beetle control program is proving to be successful. The mountain pine beetle is a destructive pine insect pest in the province.

Officials said the cold winters, paired with Alberta’s control program, have led to major progress in preserving the health and resilience of the province’s forests.

According to the provincial government, the population of the insect has declined 98 per cent since its peak in 2019. The Alberta Government said it has been managing mountain pine beetle for over 15 years, and will continue to invest in the control program.

Todd Loewen, Minister of Forestry and Parks said, “The mountain pine beetle is a significant threat to our province’s forested lands, and we are working hard to protect the health of our forests and the livelihoods of thousands of Albertans.”

He continued, “I am proud of the progress we have made in controlling the spread of mountain pine beetles throughout Alberta.”

Ground operations are underway in southwestern areas of the province. Officials noted that the province uses management measures such as population monitoring, risk assessments, cutting and burning infested trees, and harvesting vulnerable pine to reduce the impact of the pest on Alberta’s forests. The beetle has the ability to kill large tracts of mature pine.

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