RCMP Deputy Commissioner Curtis Zablocki announces retirement
Alberta RCMP Deputy Commissioner Curtis Zablocki has announced his retirement.
He released the following statement Monday to announce the news.
“After 34 years in a career that has given me more opportunities than I could ever imagine, I have decided to retire from the Alberta RCMP. It isn’t a decision I made easily. I have been fortunate to serve in Alberta for almost all of that time, and ending my career as the Commanding Officer here is a privilege and an honour.
Thank you to the citizens, community leaders and elected officials of Alberta. You have collaborated closely with us on many issues and I am thankful for the strong relationships we’ve created and built upon. Together we have worked to ensure the Alberta RCMP is responsive to your needs, and that Albertans have a voice in how their policing services are delivered. Your support has been a large part of the successes we have shared in keeping your communities safe.