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Alberta Health Services

Safe Kids Week campaign focuses on ensuring young passengers are in the right car seat

May 30, 2023 | 4:09 PM

It’s Safe Kids Week in Canada and this year’s theme stems around ensuring children are in the right car seats.

The annual campaign raises public awareness on child safety issues across the country, encouraging community involvement as part of the solution and to learn more about the best ways to protect children from getting hurt.

This year’s digital campaign runs from May 29 – June 4 with the topic of child passenger safety using the hashtag #KidsInTheRightSeat.

Alberta Health Services (AHS) is supporting Parachute’s Safe Kids Week and urges everyone who drives with children to ensure:

  • Children are in the right car seat
  • The seat is correctly secured in the vehicle
  • Children are snugly buckled into the car seat
  • Seatbelt fits correctly for older children, whether or not they’re in a booster seat

AHS claims using the right car seat in the right way reduces the risk of injury to a child in a crash by up to 82 per cent and risk of death by up to 71 per cent.

Alberta law also requires the driver to make sure that every child under 16 years of age is buckled up correctly.

There are four stages for child passengers: rear-facing, forward-facing, booster seat and seat belt.

Albertans can use the Child Car Seat YES Test to help choose, install, and use a car seat or booster seat properly:

Visit Car Seat Guidelines in Alberta for more information.

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