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The overall situation remains volatile, officials say, with 91 wildfires burning, 25 of which are out of control. There are also currently 17 evacuation orders, and nearly 10,700 Albertans evacuated.

This year, 496 wildfires have been started, with more than 842,000 hectares burned. On this day last year, a mere 459 hectares had burned.

But officials say while smoke in the air is bad for our health, it can create cooler conditions, leading to weakened fire behaviour. Cooler temperatures and rain are also expected over the next few days, and the hope is that it will add a much needed layer of defense against the current slate of fires.

Lightning is also a factor, however, with strikes seen today near Edson and Grande Prairie. Lightning activity is being monitored closely with storms in the forecast.

Today, the evacuation order for Little Smoky was altered slightly, with residents from that small community now being told to head north because Highway 43 to Whitecourt — where they’ve been told to go for the last two weeks — is now closed both directions.

Pattison Media (rdnewsNOW/XM105/Big West Country/94.5 REWIND Radio) is awaiting an answer on where those residents are specifically supposed to head, but also on the question of if there’s anyone actually left in Little Smoky.

Christie Tucker, information unit manager, Alberta Wildfire, spoke about the situation involving Fox Creek and Little Smoky, with reports yesterday stating the fire was just one kilometre from Fox Creek.

“Technically, the Eagle Complex, which is two wildfires in the vicinity of Fox Creek and Municipal District of Greenview, and particularly Little Smoky, is still classified as out of control,” said Tucker.

“We have been seeing lower fire behaviour in the morning and higher in the evening as the day warms up. Firefighters there are doing their best to manage the area and are working with RCMP on that particular area. One of the fires has had some growth to the east towards Highway 43, but work is continuing on providing a fireguard.”

Tucker also spoke highly of the Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre, and the work it does year-round to ensure fire fighters from across Canada and the U.S. are well coordinated when called into action to work together.

According to today’s update, the Eagle Complex has burned nearly 95,000 hectares. The larger fire is one kilometre from Fox Creek and 10.5 kilometres from Little Smoky, while the other is located in the M.D. of Greenview.

It being a long weekend, updates will be less frequent on our radio station(s), both on air and online. For the absolute latest information about your community or the one you’re in, visit the following sites:

Alberta Emergency Alert

Air Quality Health Index map

MD of Greenview: https://www.facebook.com/MDofGreenview

Fox Creek: https://www.facebook.com/townoffoxcreek

Brazeau County: https://www.facebook.com/brazeaucounty

Woodlands County: https://www.facebook.com/woodlandscounty

Yellowhead County: https://www.facebook.com/yellowheadcounty

Edson: https://www.facebook.com/townofedson

Parkland County: https://www.facebook.com/ParklandCountyAB

Lac Ste. Anne County: https://www.facebook.com/lsacounty

Whitecourt: https://www.facebook.com/TownofWhitecourt/

Valleyview: https://www.facebook.com/townofvalleyview/

READ MORE: Fire ban continues through long weekend in Red Deer

Albertans are asked to do their part to limit new wildfire starts as extreme fire hazards are expected to persist through the critical May long weekend period.

Provincial officials say those evacuated due to wildfires should register at local reception centres or at emergencyregistration.alberta.ca.

Current situation

  • Alberta has declared a provincial state of emergency. Visit ca/emergency for information or call 310-4455, now available 24-7.
  • A fire ban and an off-highway vehicle restriction is in place across the Forest Protection Area.
  • The fire danger remains very high to extreme in northern Alberta and high to very high along the eastern slopes of the Rockies. Winds are expected to shift over the weekend.
  • Current wildfire information is available on the Alberta Wildfire Status Dashboard.
  • Some communities remain affected by poor air quality. Ensure you remain up to date on special air quality statements and advisories.
    • Learn more about the potential affects of wildfire smoke on your health.
  • Evacuation orders: 17
  • Alberta Emergency Alerts: 19 (10 orders, nine alerts)
  • Number of evacuees: 10,523
  • Alberta currently has more than 2,800 personnel working on wildfires. This includes support from partner agencies across Canada and the United States as well as the Canadian Armed Forces.
  • An additional 24 firefighters from the northwestern United States are expected to arrive over the weekend.

New information (last 36 hours)

  • NEW (MAY 20): Hwy 43 is closed from Valleyview to Fox Creek. Everyone in Little Smoky must evacuate north on Hwy 43, those south of the road closure must evacuate to Whitecourt on Hwy 43. Reception Centre located at the Allan and Jean Millar Centre, 58 Sunset Blvd. Whitecourt, Alberta. Call 780-524-6584 for assistance. Residents between Township Road 683 to 670 and Range Road 232 to 211 must prepare to evacuate on 1-hour notice.
  • While fire danger remains extreme throughout most of the province, a voluntary recreation restriction on public lands and a number of provincial park closures are in effect ahead of the long weekend.
  • The Municipal District of Lesser Slave Lake has issued an evacuation order for all residents along Old Smith Highway, from Township Road 715 (Smith Bridge) to Range Road 45 (Tollenaars Bridge).
  • The Municipal District of Greenview has partially rescinded its current evacuation order, including for areas around Sturgeon Lake Cree Nation.
  • Yellowhead County has expanded the wildfire evacuation for some areas.

Support for evacuees

  • Since the announcement of one-time emergency financial assistance for evacuees, more than 12,300 applications have been processed.
  • More than $17.3 million in e-transfers has been sent to evacuees.
  • More than $4.9 million in debit cards has been distributed.
  • Debit cards are available for evacuees unable to receive an e-transfer at 18 Alberta Supports Centre locations with extended hours and at Edmonton and Calgary evacuation centres.


  • Albertans who wish to help can make cash donations through the Canadian Red Cross or within their regions to a recognized charitable organization of their choice.
  • The Government of Canada and the Government of Alberta will each match every dollar donated to the Canadian Red Cross 2023 Alberta Fires Appeal. This means that every $1 donated will become $3 to support those affected by the wildfires.
  • The Canadian Red Cross is launching an Immediate Support to Not-for-Profit Organizations program to deliver urgent and ongoing support for people affected by wildfires across Alberta. Eligible community organizations providing immediate relief assistance may apply for $5,000 in one-time funding. View full program eligibility criteria.
  • Individuals and companies with goods or services to offer or donate to support the government’s response to the wildfire can email EmergencySupportOffers@gov.ab.ca.
  • SkipTheDepot

Again, for more information on the emergency and supports for evacuees, go to alberta.ca/emergency.

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