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Red Deer-North

Adriana LaGrange: United Conservative Party

May 19, 2023 | 9:47 AM

Hello readers,

Each candidate from the four constituencies we are covering this election season have been issued the same questionnaire. This candidate’s biography and their answers can be found below. Our questionnaire had a limit of 500 words, and the bio 150. A / at the end indicates they went over.

The opinions and thoughts expressed by each candidate are their own, and are not endorsed by rdnewsNOW.

For more Alberta Election 2023 coverage, visit our dedicated Alberta Votes page.


Adriana LaGrange is the daughter of immigrant parents, a wife of 39 years, a mother of seven children, a grandmother of seven adorable grandchildren, a rehabilitative practitioner working with the developmentally disabled, farmer (been in the family since 1942) and owner of a trucking company, school board trustee with Red Deer Catholic School Division for 11.5 years, President of the Alberta Catholic School Trustees’ Association for 3.5 years and National VP., a Rotarian, community leader and volunteer for over 4 decades in Red Deer and central Alberta.  Most recently, I have been the MLA for Red Deer North and the Minister of Education for the past four years.  I have been blessed to wear many hats over my life’s journey and I believe in doing my very best in whatever arena I find myself.  I believe in being honest, modeling integrity and  having a strong work ethic – all of /


1. What made you decide to run in this provincial election?

As the current MLA for Red Deer North and the MInister of Education, I want to continue the good work that has been done in bringing over 3 Billion dollars worth of infrastructure, investment and services funding to Red Deer and Central Alberta. I’m proud of what we have accomplished.  I want to make sure the 1.8 Billion Red Deer hospital expansion is fully completed and  that a transition plan is developed and implemented to ensure the current pressures at the hospital and over all in health care in Red Deer and central Alberta are alleviated.  I want to ensure that we have proper staffing and human resources for the short and long term.  Everyone should have access to a family physician. I  want to see the Alberta model of recovery fully implemented and people healed of their addictions.  I want to continue to focus on improving student learning and moving the Education system forward by implementing the recommendations of the Career Education Task Force.  I want to bring more investment, jobs, recreational and cultural activities to Red Deer and help make Red Deer the most attractive/powerhouse city in Alberta to live in.

2. Why should constituents vote for you? What skill sets and experience do you have that make you a good fit for the role of MLA?

I have a proven track record.  I have been an effective leader and a strong voice as an MLA and as a cabinet minister for the past four years.  I have extensive experience with various governance models (local, municipal and provincial), strong communicator, collaborative, managed a growing over 8 billion dollar budget, governed over 730,000 students, a workforce of over 90,000 and a department of over 500 and effectively led through a once in a lifetime pandemic.  I am a lifelong learner and have a lifetime of knowledge and skills that I continue to grow.

3. From your perspective, what are the most important issues in this election, both provincially and in your riding specifically?

Health Care, Affordability and Public Safety

4. What is your main message to voters, especially those who may be undecided?

I will continue to work hard to represent you locally and provincially.   I want to see Red Deer ( and in particular Red Deer North ) prosper and be the place that people want to call home – work, play and raise a family like I have done.