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Innisfail-Sylvan Lake

Jeevan Mangat: Wildrose Independence Party of Alberta

May 16, 2023 | 2:48 PM

Hello readers,

Each candidate from the four constituencies we are covering this election season have been issued the same questionnaire. This candidate’s biography and their answers can be found below. Our questionnaire had a limit of 500 words, and the bio 150. A / at the end indicates they went over.

The opinions and thoughts expressed by each candidate are their own, and are not endorsed by rdnewsNOW.

For more Alberta Election 2023 coverage, visit our dedicated Alberta Votes page.


Jeevan Singh Mangat immigrated to Calgary along with his family from Kenya in 1970, and enrolled in Grade 7. He attended Junior and Senior High School in Calgary, and graduated from University of Calgary with a Degree in Civil Engineering. Jeevan has experience as a small business operator, and has volunteered in the past for Kids
Cancer Care Foundation, Children’s Wish Foundation, The Third Academy School for Special Needs Children, and Canadian Taxpayers Federation. For the last 16 years, Jeevan has been employed as a commercial property manager. Currently he is a commercial leasing associate. Having been a candidate for the Wildrose Party of Alberta, in the 2012 and 2015 provincial elections, Jeevan still has passion to do what is right for Alberta. His dream to keep the Independence movement alive is why he has chosen to run in the Innisfail-Sylvan Lake Electoral Riding for the 2023 Provincial Election.


1. What made you decide to run in this provincial election?

I am committed to ensure we are able to communicate to Albertans why Independence is important. The only method is to be involved and present your beliefs in an election.

2. Why should constituents vote for you? What skill sets and experience do you have that make you a good fit for the role of MLA?

I have been explaining to constituents at the door why would a son of an immigrant be in favour of Independence. The answer is simple: to escape the claws of Ottawa and the influence of Quebec in national policies.

The Constitution cannot be changed with the hurdles that need to be overcome. How do we as Albertans remove Transfer Payments and Bilingualism from our national governance?? We can’t. Only way is to develop the Independence movement and the final act would be to introduce a referendum on Independence for Albertans to decide. I believe my role is to fulfill what is right for Albertans as per the Independence movement, and not to crater from my message to be re-elected.

The skillsets I bring in the role of MLA is balancing budgets and negotiating for Albertans. In my past profession as a commercial property manager, one of the key functions was to develop budgets and balance them. in addition managing tenants was always managing expectation with honesty.

3. From your perspective, what are the most important issues in this election, both provincially and in your riding specifically?

To the constituents that  I have engaged with, the most important issue has been interference from Ottawa in the development of our natural resources. Many  believe Independence is a consideration.

4. What is your main message to voters, especially those who may be undecided?

Independence is a long term objective. Initial goal is to grow the Wildrose Independence Party of Alberta in memberships and functional Constituency Associations. Next is to select via nominations 87 functional candidates. Then be elected into government and prove to Albertans we can govern. To be ready for Independence develop Alberta Police Force, Revenue Agency, Pension Plan. and so forth. At the end formulate a referendum question that satisfies the Clarity Act. It will be the decision of Albertans to exercise Independence or not.

I am here to propoate the thought of Independence and not to be a career politician. Do what I believe is right for Alberta and not to worry about being re-elected.