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Daniel Jefferies: Wildrose Loyalty Coalition

May 11, 2023 | 2:26 PM

Hello readers,

Each candidate from the four constituencies we are covering this election season have been issued the same questionnaire. This candidate’s biography and their answers can be found below. Our questionnaire had a limit of 500 words, and the bio 150.

The opinions and thoughts expressed by each candidate are their own, and are not endorsed by rdnewsNOW.

For more Alberta Election 2023 coverage, visit our dedicated Alberta Votes page.


My broad range of experiences and education has prepared me for the task of fighting for and maintaining Freedom for Albertans. Growing up on a dairy farm outside of Olds, I learned a lot about the value of personal responsibilities, hard work, discipline, and finishing the job. In school I studied hard to graduate as the valedictorian of my high school class and went on to complete two Bachelor’s degrees, and a Master’s degree. I am a husband, father, and teacher. I have been a pastor, coal miner, and self-employed. Since coming to Mirror in 2013, I’ve volunteered for the Food Bank, the Community Network, the Fire Department, and the Mirror and District Community Development Association. Alberta stands at a crossroads, and this is a very important provincial election. Let me be your voice and your elected representative.


1. What made you decide to run in this provincial election?

I was disappointed in the ways that our fundamental rights and freedoms were trampled by our governments during the lockdowns. We need people in government who will defend the freedoms and liberties of Albertans.

2. Why should constituents vote for you? What skillsets and experience do you have that make you a good fit for the role of MLA?

I and all WLC candidates promise to abide by our Recall pledge. If 50% +1 of the number of people who vote in this election sign a petition to remove me I will step down and defend myself in a by-election. We believe in 24/7 accountability.

I have 8 years of post secondary schooling and have worked both blue and white collar jobs. I know how to listen, I know my convictions, and I am aware of my limitations.

3. From your perspective, what are the most important issues in this election, both provincially and in your riding specifically?

We have an Ottawa problem. $20 billion dollars each year leaves Alberta and lands elsewhere. If this money could stay here it would change our economic landscape. Furthermore, with bills like C-11, and C-21, the federal government continues to restrict what property you can own, and what information you can access.

Locally, rural crime is a concern. When criminals steal and vandalize, they rob people of the time and effort taken to purchase and protect those things. Our material possessions are a tangible expression of what we value. Insurance, if one can afford it, is no substitute for the violation that crime causes to us and to society. I think that an Albertan police force could be more flexibly deployed in order to address the problems of rural communities.

4. What is your main message to voters, especially those who may be undecided?

I think people want to be free to live their lives in peace and to keep more of their hard-earned dollars.

A vote for the Wildrose Loyalty Coalition is a vote that sends a strong message to Edmonton and to Ottawa. It lets Ottawa know that the current situation for Alberta within Canada is unacceptable and we are ready to change it. It lets Edmonton know that the people of Lacombe-Ponoka want an end to overtaxation and big government.

If you are undecided, why not hire someone whom you can fire through real recall?