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money for community hall

Red Deer County council briefs: Sept. 20, 2022

Sep 22, 2022 | 7:00 PM


This week at Red Deer County council, members approved a resolution that will be taken to the Rural Municipalities of Alberta (RMA) conference.

The conference, which happens Nov. 7-10 in Edmonton, will feature the County’s resolution which calls for the province to develop more options for crop insurance that can be obtained by market gardens.

The issue was brought to light when some farmers of the market garden variety were left in the lurch after heavy storms this summer.

The County even made national news, it’s noted in a council agenda package, when the largest hail stone on record fell within the jurisdiction during an Aug. 1 storm.

The resolution was passed unanimously carried.


Also on the agenda: a request from the Springbrook Community Association (SCA) for financial support to assist with the construction of a new community hall in the hamlet.

The SCA has applied for a Community Facility Enhancement Program (CFEP) grant in the amount of $1 million.

The request to the County was for $2.1 million, with the project’s total budget being $6 million. That would include full construction and site preparation including playgrounds and a paved parking lot. The SCA also asked for a donation of land to locate the facility, though a parcel is yet to be identified. The area is proposed to be 4.0 acres.

The County notes the association has been fundraising for the potential remainder of $2.9 million and has even hired an architecture firm. There are also requests out to the Town of Penhold, Town of Innisfail and City of Red Deer, as well as to potential corporate partners.

According to details provided by the SCA, the hall will be 11,690 square feet with seating for 250 people.

It will include:

➢ Banquet hall area for 250 people;
➢ Seating capacity for 450 people with capacity to divide into multiple meeting areas;
➢ Kitchen;
➢ Office space for Community Services staff and programming;
➢ Meeting rooms;
➢ Youth activity area;
➢ Playschool area; and
➢ Storage area

Council had a number of options, ultimately approving unanimously to give the $2.1 million contingent on CFEP grant approval.


County council also received a request for funding to help support the 2022 Canadian Finals Rodeo, taking place at Westerner Park this November.

The $50,000 request was unanimously carried.

The County also contributed $50,000 to CFR in 2018, 2019, 2021 and 2022. The event was cancelled in 2020.

What the $50,000 gets the County:

o Logo and mention on the LED sign on 19th Street sign during the week of the CFR event,
o Logo displayed pre and post Rodeo on the Jumbotron a minimum of 2 times,
o One 30 second video featuring our “Yahoo” contest shown on the Jumbotron at each of the 6 performances,
o One 30 second video featuring our “Show Us Your Boots” contest shown on the Jumbotron at each of the 6 performances,
o Flag bearer on horseback parade at the beginning of each performance,
o 2 static ads displayed a minimum of 2 times on the 360 degree LED ring at each performance,
o Logo and mention on official CFR website and on all Corporate Partner Thank-you signage, with a web link to our County website,
o Name and mention on all social media throughout CFR event,
o Logo recognition in free Rodeo Guide and day sheets,
o One half page advertisement in the Souvenir Program,
o CFR and Red Deer Cunty to cross promote on their social media Platforms.
o Name mention by announcer at least one time at each performance,
o One banner located in the arena provided by Westerner Park.
o 10 X 10 Trade Show booth during the whole CFR event,
o A “Red Deer County” section with co-branded signage at each performance,
o 20 All-In Pack Tickets will be given to the winners of the promotional videos and be placed in the Red Deer County Section (Section XX),
o Each ticket winner (a County resident) will receive a pass to the VIP section in the Cabaret and be offered a behind-the-chute tour,
o 40 additional VIP Cabaret access passes that can be used each night,
o Invitation to the Westerner Park private suite for 4 guests for one CFR performance,
o Mayor or Councillor to present Buckles at least one performance with the possibility of additional opportunities.
o Opportunity to offer welcome address at various CFR events, such as the 8 Days of November.

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