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AISH and Income Support

New $600 prenatal benefit for expectant mothers in vulnerable groups

Mar 12, 2022 | 9:39 AM

Prenatal benefits will be given to expectant mothers in vulnerable groups by the provincial government this spring.

Starting May 1, Alberta will implement the new prenatal benefit for pregnant women on AISH and Income Support at the start of their second trimester to provide eligible clients with $100 per month until the baby is born – for a total of $600. This is in addition to the one-time natal benefit of $256 for expectant mothers at 36 weeks of pregnancy.

“Providing more support for vulnerable expectant mothers is a positive, common sense step and compassionate step. This is about helping moms facing poverty, while improving health outcomes for their babies,” said Premier Jason Kenney.

The benefit is part of Alberta’s Recovery Plan, the government’s project to provide help to businesses and families to get back on their feet as the economy recovers. Women with limited resources often face a number of challenges during pregnancy.

“The research is clear. Providing support early in a woman’s pregnancy can result in both healthier pregnancies and babies and better long-term outcomes. Initiatives like this help Alberta’s Recovery Plan ensure we’re not only helping people today but we’re building a stronger foundation for tomorrow,” said Jason Luan, Minister of Community and Social Services.

The new benefit was also highlighted in the Feb. 22 Speech from the Throne, which indicated, “Many vulnerable women and girls have inadequate support during pregnancy, which can affect their child’s health and life chances. To assist low-income mothers and improve health outcomes for their babies, the government will significantly increase and expand prenatal benefits to mothers receiving AISH and Income Support.”

“The rising cost of living is intensifying the challenges faced by vulnerable individuals, especially women. The additional benefit announced today is a very positive step by the Alberta government to recognize the distinct financial strain faced by expectant mothers,” said Tricia Smith, executive director of Edmonton’s Boyle McCauley Health Centre.

“This benefit will help already vulnerable women cover some of the unique costs that arise during pregnancy, such as clothes that fit their growing belly and shoes to fit their swollen feet. Most importantly, this benefit will provide a little extra money for nutritious food and vitamins as well as cribs and clothing for a safe and healthy infant.”

Approximately 2,500 Income Support and AISH clients receive natal benefits each year. This enhancement is estimated to cost $1.5 million annually.

“Every woman who is on AISH and is pregnant is deeply in need of support to have the best outcome for her baby. A little extra cash enables the mother and her support staff to pay for all things a baby needs,” said Dr. John Lilley, co-chair of Pregnancy Pathways, a program at Edmonton’s Boyle McCauley Health Centre aimed to help pregnant women experiencing poverty.

“For instance, every baby needs a car seat. In addition, every baby needs great nutrition and a low-stress home environment to start growing in. The most important developmental period for a child starts in utero and extends into the preschool years. Good nutrition and a low-stress home environment set a baby up for a great start. The baby with a great start becomes a teen finishing high school and an adult with job skills. The additional funds announced by the Premier today will provide much-needed extra support for a mother and her baby at the time of her birth.”

More on the announcement is at alberta.ca.

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