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(City of Lacombe)
Saving Money

Energy-efficient floodwater system installed at Gary Moe Auto Group Sportsplex

Jun 24, 2021 | 10:10 AM

The City of Lacombe has taken steps to reduce operating costs and its environmental footprint at the Gary Moe Auto Group Sportsplex.

City officials have announced the recent purchase and installation of a cold floodwater treatment system in efforts to do so.

The City’s operations team will be using the floodwater alternative to build and maintain the ice on the Echo Energy and Echo Internet Arenas starting in the 2021-22 season.

“Lacombe is a winter sports and recreation destination,” Mayor Grant Creasey said, in a press release. “Council is pleased to see the City will be able to sustain that reputation, while at the same time reducing costs and keeping our local environment at the forefront.”

The system utilizes water pressure only to treat the water used to flood the rinks; integrating it into the arena’s existing plumbing at the filling station; and has a 25-year lifespan.

The new system, called REALice, is made possible by the Municipal Climate Change Action Centre’s REC program which is rebating 75 per cent of the costs.

“We’re excited to be using this technology,” says Manager of Parks and Facilities Calvin Bennefield. “By using colder water for ice making with the REALice system, we’ll be reducing the energy we use at the arenas while still being able to provide great ice to our many groups.”

According to officials, the new technology promises to reduce the City’s natural gas use by 750 GJ and total electricity use by almost 100,000 kWh each year. Not only is the system anticipated to reduce municipal costs, it is also expected to make the facility more environmentally friendly by reducing carbon emissions.

The project also aligns with city council’s strategic goal: “The City leverages technology in the delivery and management of services.”

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