Mathnasium: This summer don’t let math skills slip!
Everyone at some point has feared math. There is no denying it! From trying to figure out long division to learning algebra or geometry, it can be quite intimidating and frustrating when the solutions are just not there. Whether it is helping them with homework, or stepping in during virtual learning, as a parent it is equally as scary to try to remember the skills that you too struggled with as a student. Add to that the ever-changing methods of teaching math, and it can feel like you are the student all over again. With summer around the corner, it’s time to get rid of that fear and start preparing your kids for success. A great way to do that is by getting help at Mathnasium.
Now, What Exactly is Mathnasium?
· It is a math-only learning centre for grades K-12, and they have the ability to assess and fill in learning gaps, where most tutors are just putting a band-aid on a wound.
· They help children succeed not just in math, but also in life. “Changing Lives Through Math” is not just their meaningless, exaggerating motto, but it really happens; thousands of happy parent testimonials given daily to over 1,000 Mathnasium centres all over the world illustrate the change Mathnasium makes in their children’s lives. And they’d like to do the same for your child!