No charges pending after weekend clash between protesters turns violent
UPDATE [11:45 a.m.] Mayor Tara Veer has released the following statement:
“The City of Red Deer is aware of and shares the public’s strong concerns regarding the escalated protests that occurred in our city this past weekend.
“The City respects Canada’s constitutional rights of citizens to peacefully assemble; however, we unequivocally denounce violence and racism in our community. Furthermore, it is highly concerning for our community that travelling protests have incited division and violence in our city. The City recognizes that social tensions are extremely high across our country as a result of the pandemic, economy, political polarity, and competing worldviews. However, as a community it is imperative we pull together, and not apart, during adverse times. We cannot allow the actions of a few to characterize our city.
“I’ve spoken with the provincial Minister of Justice as well as the RCMP, and both are in solidarity with The City in upholding law and order in our community. The local RCMP have an open investigation regarding the incidents of the past weekend, and will be issuing a statement later today.