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Crescent Falls (Travel Alberta)
Tragedy in west central Alberta

Three family members drown at Crescent Falls west of Nordegg

Aug 12, 2020 | 3:55 PM

Tragedy in west central Alberta last night as three adults died after being swept into the water at Crescent Falls west of Nordegg.

Clearwater Regional Fire Rescue Services was attempting to rescue the trio when Rocky Mountain House RCMP arrived at the scene just after 8 p.m. Tuesday.

Police say the adults, all from the same family, had gone swimming at the bottom of the falls when one of them was swept under. The other two adults tried to help when they also got swept under the falls.

Three children, aged 10, 6 and 3, stayed on the shore and called for help. They were taken to a safe location with the assistance of the Victim Services Unit and have since been connected with other family members.

Bystanders helped recover the bodies of two of the adults but resuscitation attempts were unsuccessful.

The body of the third adult was discovered Wednesday afternoon.

“We offer our heartfelt condolences to everyone affected by and involved in this tragic incident” says Corporal Ryan Hack with Rocky Mountain House RCMP. “We also offer our thanks to the citizens, and partner agencies, who immediately jumped into action to provide assistance in the face of these powerful falls.”

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