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(rdnewsNOW/Sheldon Spackman)
Lifting Restrictions

Phased reopening of Red Deer playgrounds now underway

May 22, 2020 | 2:48 PM

Good news announced for Red Deerians on Friday.

Starting May 22, playgrounds in Red Deer will begin to reopen with a phased approach between now and May 29.

“We know the closure of playgrounds has been difficult for some families with young children,” says Karen Mann, Emergency Operations Centre Director, in a news release. “We are re-opening playgrounds and fitness parks while continuing to align with recommendations from the Chief Medical Officer of Health, but caution the public that these structures are high touch and high contact surfaces.”

City officials say a phased approach is necessary to ensure maintenance and inspections are completed in advance of reopening any playground or outdoor fitness structures.

New signage and removal of caution tape will signal citizens as to when respective playgrounds are officially open.

Crews will work in the north and south simultaneously to open playgrounds as quickly as possible across the entire city.

Citizens are asked to refrain from using playground or outdoor fitness structures until crews remove the closed signs and caution tape.

Although playground reopenings are happening in alignment with all public health orders and restrictions, citizens are still encouraged to exercise caution and do what is necessary to continue to help prevent spread of COVID-19.

Equipment will be inspected prior to opening. However, the City is not washing or sanitizing structures and families are encouraged to bring their own hand sanitizer to the park with them, limit contact with others, and visit playgrounds within their own neighbourhoods.

Users are reminded of and must follow public health guidelines including:

• Maintaining 2 metre physical distance;

• Gathering in groups of 50 or fewer;

• Only sharing common equipment with members of the same family or cohort;

• Staying home if you feel sick;

• Washing and sanitizing your hands before and after using these areas.

“Due to the diligence and commitment of our residents throughout this pandemic to complying with all orders and recommendations from health officials, we are now in a position to begin re-opening a number of our amenities in a phased manner,” adds Mann, “While we are as pleased as you are to see playgrounds and fitness parks starting to re-open, we know it will take the continued support of all residents to keep each other safe and healthy through this relaunch.”

Residents can call the City’s call centre at 403-342-8111 if they have questions regarding the playground reopenings or any City services.

More information on the City’s response to COVID-19 can be found at www.reddeer.ca/COVID.

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