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Alberta government passes 2020 budget

Mar 18, 2020 | 10:26 AM

EDMONTON, AB – Amid the COVID-19 global pandemic, Alberta Premier Jason Kenney has announced that the provincial budget has passed.

Kenney made the announcement on Facebook shortly after 1:00 a.m. Wednesday (March 18) alongside Minister of Finance Travis Toews.

The Premier said the budget equates to just over $56 billion in funding, with a lot of that going towards the fight against COVID-19, with “record levels” of healthcare funding and for emergency response.

Kenney also noted an additional half-billion dollars specifically towards the COVID-19 response.

“Budget 2020, our original version, had a record level of healthcare funding in the budget but as we came forward in the last few days and recognized an increase in challenge with COVID-19, we’ve added $500 million of additional funding into healthcare,” Toews said, standing beside Kenney.

“We ultimately need to be assured that healthcare professionals in this province will have adequate resources to battle COVID-19 on behalf of Albertans.”

Kenney said the $500 million for the battle against the novel coronavirus “isn’t necessarily the end of this”, adding that if Alberta Health Services need more funds, the government would provide that.

“But we wanted to guarantee that that money was available because the new fiscal year starts in a couple of weeks time, on April the 1st,” the Premier said.

“Here’s the problem, we’ve taken some criticism for pushing hard to get the budget through this week, we did this because we frankly do not know when the virus might hit this building in the legislature. We want to keep sitting – I think it’s very important that we keep our basic institutions operating during this very challenging time and we have to keep democracy working in this province.”

Toews said had the budget not been passed and had the government been delayed due to the virus, that would have “basically left the government without funding” to start the new fiscal year.

“Considering the great challenge we’re facing with COVID-19, it would be inconceivable,” said the Minister of Finance.

“Albertans can be assured that we have resources in place to ensure that we can deliver world-class healthcare in the face of this COVID-19 challenge.”

Kenney commented that, “the budget that you [Toews] presented was a credible path to get us back to balance within about three years. Now, everything has changed and we will be working on a revised fiscal plan but first of all, priority number one [is] public health.”

“We’ve got to spare no expense to keep people safe and healthy. Secondly, we are consulting broadly and acting on the economic front,” he added.

Toews said during this health and economic challenge, the government will be announcing measures in the “upcoming days and weeks” that will provide assistance to Albertans that are “directly impacted” by the economic challenges they’re facing and ensure that they can help businesses in managing through the tough times.

Kenney also announced an additional $60 million for non-profit groups and charities that are delivering support to people facing self-isolation, using Meals on Wheels as an example.

He said the province is working with the federal government on an expanded and enhanced access to employment insurance, including for those who are self-employed.

“Thirdly, we are looking at whether we can provide some interim financial support to people who are in self-isolation, so they don’t have to choose in between that and going to work,” Kenney said.

Toews added that they’re considering measures to ensure businesses in Alberta have access to capital.

“We’re finalizing measures to ensure we can get cash and again improve liquidity for our small and medium-sized businesses as well,” he said.

Kenney said the province is in discussions with banks to encourage them to “give flexibility to folks with respect to their mortgages” and small businesses with respect to outstanding credit and financing.

“There are a lot of really big issues and we just want you to know we’re doing everything we can on all fronts and the passage of the budget tonight with $56.6 billion of guaranteed funding, including half a billion set aside for COVID, it gives us a greater degree of ability to fight the COVID pandemic and to keep people safe,” Kenney concluded, adding more details are to come.

The announcement can be viewed on Premier Jason Kenney’s official Facebook page here.

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