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tighter revenues

Red Deer County tables 2020 budgets for public input

Dec 3, 2019 | 6:24 PM

Red Deer County residents could see a tax rate increase for the first time in several years in 2020.

The County has tabled the 2020-22 Operating Expenditures and 2020-2024 Capital Projects documents for public input with final approval scheduled for Dec. 17.

Capital spending will increase next year to $32.3 million from $28.7 million this year.

Operating spending will increase from $51.8 million to $54.4 million.

Final tax rates will be determined in the spring.

“This budget outlines some exciting initiatives underway in our County,” says Mayor Jim Wood. “Among these are technology upgrades, and improvements to major infrastructure in the County. That said, items like road and bridge upgrades still make up the bulk our capital budget.”

Key Initiatives for Red Deer County in 2020 include:

• Springbrook water treatment facility & reservoir $5.3M

• Broadband internet project $2.0M

• Bridge Repairs $2.1M

• Township Road 374 $2.5M

• Gasoline Alley roads $2.9M

• Range Road 272 $2.9M

“Administration has put in a great deal of work to create a budget that reflects Council’s strategic direction while keeping the long-term finances of the County healthy. We remain committed to transparent financial reporting to the public,” says Heather Surkan, Director of Corporate Services.

Members of the public now have two weeks to comment on the the draft budget report which can found at www.rdcounty.ca.

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