Teamwork a key theme for RDC Queens Basketball in 2019-20
Legendary NBA coach Phil Jackson once said, “Good teams become great ones, when members trust each other enough to surrender the ‘me’ for ‘we’.”
Teamwork has been a common theme surrounding the 2019-20 RDC Basketball Queens. Head Coach Mandy Botham has assembled a cohesive group of 13 motivated student-athletes who are ready to compete in the 2019-20 Alberta Colleges Athletic Conference (ACAC) season.
“We have a really great mix of players. They’re fast, athletic and compete with a very determined style,” says Botham. “They’ve all come in with a desire to be better individually and collectively, so that’s been a real driving force for us.”
Back in their forward positions are Lauren Cardinal, Mikayla Kuilboer and Mallory Uskiw, who totaled 96 rebounds and 39 assists last year. Guards Harneet Sidhu, a Justice Studies student, and Sandra Garcia-Bernal, a Kinesiology student, are also returning with guard/forward Amy Szymanek, who recorded 57 rebounds a year ago. Emaly Cooke will miss the season with a knee injury, but wants to stay connected with the team as a student-trainer.