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rap sheet

Rocky RCMP Report: Aug 29- Sept 5

Sep 6, 2019 | 6:05 PM

This is a report released to the media from the Rocky Mountain House (RMH) RCMP giving a brief description of various crimes and call-ins, both solved and unsolved throughout the community between the dates of August 29 and Sept 5, 2019.

Not all crimes reported are listed in this report.

August 29

1:56 P.M. – Ground cable found cut at a number of lease sites in Clearwater County. $2000 in damages.

August 30

12:45 P.M. – Break and Enter to an abandoned house on the O’Chiese First Nation Reserve. A window was damaged.

3:27 P.M. – Break and Enter to a storage unit in RMH

6:45 P.M. – Police received a 911 call of a single vehicle rollover on Range Road 6-5 & Twp Rd 40-0A. Police attended along with EMS & Fire. The uninjured female driver from Sundre showed signs of impairment and after blowing a “Fail” on the roadside screening device, she was subsequently arrested and escorted to the Rocky detachment. Breath samples were provided well over 3 times the legal limit. She is scheduled to appear in court at a later date.

August 31

3:31 A.M. – Attempted theft of a vehicle from a residence in RMH. Suspect fled into the darkness after the car alarm went off.

8:47 A.M. – Black 2009 FORD F150 pickup (Alberta licence plate CBT-3935) stolen overnight from a residence in RMH.

10:13 A.M. – Compound broken into overnight at a RMH tire shop. Vehicles broken into. Under investigation.

1:18 P.M. – Compound broken into overnight at a RMH construction company location in the industrial area. Padlock was found cut off the gate.

4:50 P.M. – Complaint on the Sunchild First Nation Reserve of subjects driving around in a pickup truck, pointing a gun out of the window at people. Police attended a residence and located the suspect vehicle. 2 adult females were arrested and a 30-06 rifle was seized along with a small amount of methamphetamine. Investigation revealed that they had approached an individual and demanded money from this person. Both suspects have been charged and released on a Recognizance, with conditions, after a Judicial Interm Release Hearing. Court scheduled in the upcoming weeks.

5:35 P.M. – Theft of 3 bottles of grey goose vodka bottles from a RMH liquor store by a male in a white jacket and blue jeans.

September 1

11:24 A.M. – Complaint from a resident on the Sunchild First Nation Reserve advising that an individual had tried to run him over with a vehicle. The matter is under investigation.

5:31 P.M. – Call of a vehicle stuck on the shore of Abraham Lake. Police attended and towed the unregistered vehicle.

7:35 P.M. – 911 call of 2 loose white dogs chasing vehicles on Hwy #54, east of Caroline.

2:48 A.M. – 911 call of 3 suspicious persons in hoodies observed getting out of a red car and sneaking down an alley in RMH, stealing Jerry cans and other items.

September 2

1:45 P.M. – Complaint from a Clearwater County resident who advised that he discovered 2 of his snowmobiles have been stolen while he was gone on holidays. A 1995 black/green Arctic Cat EXT580 and a blue 2000 Yamaha MM700 were stolen from his residence on Twp Rd 41-4 & Range Road 42-0.

10:03 P.M. – Police arrested an individual for assault at a residence in RMH. Charges pending.

00:03 A.M. – Cabin and holiday trailer broken into at residence on Range Road 7-4 & Twp Rd 40-5 area of Clearwater County. Various items stolen.

September 3

8:55 A.M. – Mailboxes reported smashed off posts on Twp Rd 38-5A & Range Road 65-0 Clearwater County.

11:12 A.M. – Complaint of an abandoned vehicle on Hwy #11 at the North Saskatchewan River. Police attended and recovered a white Chev Cavalier which had been stolen from Red Deer August 21st.

12:51 P.M. – Forced entry into a compound at a RMH business and vehicles broken into.

11:18 P.M. – 2012 Silver CHRYSLER 300 stolen from residence on O’Chiese First Nation Reserve.

September 4

8:13 A.M. – Theft from an oilfield site in Clearwater County. Items stolen include a generator, grinder, cargo nets, trigger torches, etc.

1:52 P.M. – Theft from sea-can on rural property on Twp Rd 42-0 & Range Road 62-0 in Clearwater County. Bow & arrows stolen.

2:12 P.M. – Report of a male with 2 pistols chasing another male in a trailer park in RMH. Police attended and arrested an adult male who was chasing a known male, who had outstanding warrants for his arrest, off his property. This subject was not located. BB guns were seized. Investigation completed and no charges have been laid.

3:32 P.M. – Call from a RMH hardware business advising that a suspicious male was inside the store trying to return a crossbow that had been stolen from a store in High River. Police attended and arrested an adult male from Olds. Charges are pending.

September 5

7:17 A.M. – Unlocked vehicle entered into while parked at residence in Caroline.

8:23 A.M. – Break and Enter into minor baseball sheds in RMH. Lock cut and paint thrown around.

8:43. – Break and Enter to shed at Withrow church. Jerry can and battery stolen

8:59 A.M. – Jerry can and keys stolen from an unlocked garage in Caroline overnight

Investigators are asking anyone who may have information regarding any of these unsolved occurrences contact Rocky Mountain House RCMP at 403-845-2881.

If you wish to remain anonymous, you can contact Crime Stoppers by phone at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS), or by internet at www.tipsubmit.com.

You do not have to reveal your identity to Crime Stoppers, and if you provide information to Crime Stoppers that leads to an arrest(s), you may be eligible for a cash reward.

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