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COLUMBUS, Ohio - A bill imposing one of the most stringent abortion restrictions in the nation was signed into law in Ohio on Thursday, banning abortions after a detectable heartbeat in a long-sought ...
Apr 12, 2019
SAN FRANCISCO - Disney raised the curtain on a hotly anticipated video steaming service that's aiming to topple industry pioneer Netflix, once a valuable ally of the Magic Kingdom. The service, called...
Apr 12, 2019
NEW YORK - Newly arrested WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange needs to "answer for what he has done," Hillary Clinton said on Thursday. The 2016 Democratic presidential nominee and former secretary of st...
Apr 12, 2019
QUITO, Ecuador - Did Western media and government hypocrisy bring about Julian Assange's arrest, or was it his bad manners? The dramatic end to Julian Assange's asylum has sparked curiosity about his ...
Apr 12, 2019
TOKYO - A Tokyo court on Friday approved the detention of Nissan's former Chairman Carlos Ghosn through April 22, allowing prosecutors to interrogate him daily on fresh allegations of financial miscon...
Apr 12, 2019
BERLIN - An Austrian music festival is apologizing to British grime artist Stormzy, who pulled out of an appearance after accusing security staff of racial profiling. Snowbombing festival organizers s...
Apr 12, 2019
LONDON - Key figures in Britain's opposition Labour Party said Friday the government should oppose the extradition of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to the United States on charges of conspiring to ...
Apr 12, 2019
WASHINGTON - It was a far cry from "I love WikiLeaks!" President Donald Trump declared that "I know nothing about WikiLeaks" after its disheveled founder Julian Assange was hauled out of the Ecuadoria...
Apr 12, 2019
NEW YORK - After the arrest of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in London, his lawyer was quick to characterize it as an assault against the rights of journalists all over the world who seek to uncove...
Apr 12, 2019
LONDON - Elly Wright can't sleep through the night. The Dutch native, who has lived in Britain for 51 years, keeps thinking about the black boots of Nazi soldiers marching by her basement window as th...
Apr 12, 2019