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Identifying A Transition Committee

Red Deer District Chamber moves forward with recommendations from Report on Homelessness Taskforce

Sep 17, 2024 | 11:27 AM

The Red Deer District Chamber says it has completed the feedback and input phase on the Report on Homelessness Taskforce Report completed on April 2 , 2024.

After meeting with the City of Red Deer, agencies, business leaders, and community organizations supporting those experiencing homelessness in Red Deer, the Chamber says it has begun the process of identifying a Transition Committee to steward the move forward with the recommendations in the Report.

“The feedback we have received overwhelmingly supports the recommendations we have proposed in our report,” says Scott Robinson, CEO, Red Deer District Chamber. “The primary recommendation in the Report on Homelessness is to “Create a Not-For-Profit Society (Society) led by a high-caliber board comprised of business leaders, Indigenous partners, the City of Red Deer, and other community representatives to support a well-rounded governance structure”. This Board would be tasked with the responsibility to lead and create long term strategy and drive accountability and solutions to the challenge of homelessness in our community”

Chamber officials say a Transition Committee has been formed to move this recommendation to the next stage of formation of this organization in the coming months. The Chamber says a group of interested citizens have been recruited that are committed to the advancement of an independent charitable Homelessness Foundation.

Officials say the mission of the Transition Committee will be to work on the process and parameters around forming the organization, creating the Bylaws, forming the society and acquiring chartable status.

In addition, the Chamber says this committee will be to identify the framework for the Board to be created, establishing initial budget and operating of the Foundation. Once completed, the Chamber says it will step back into more of a supportive roll as it has done many times in past community initiatives.

“The time for our community to lead this significant challenge is now,” suggested Robinson. “As the dynamics of homelessness change, so should our approaches to addressing it. We are thankful that there are dedicated community citizens who want to make a difference and given the opportunity to step forward in a positive and productive way do just that.”

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