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100 Red Deer Polytechnic non-academic staff vote to join 400 others in AUPE

Jun 11, 2024 | 5:03 PM

One hundred non-academic staff at Red Deer Polytechnic (RDP) are now members of the Alberta Union of Provincial Employees (AUPE).

The 100, which include various support staff in departments like IT, maintenance and environmental services, join the existing approximately 400 RDP staff who are also members of AUPE. Around 71 of the 100 voted, and 99 per cent of them voted in favour.

“We are proud to welcome these workers to AUPE,” says AUPE Central Region Vice-President Darren Graham. “We know there is strength in numbers, and when our numbers grow, so does our strength at the bargaining table.”

The current contact for AUPE staff at RDP runs through June 30 of this year.

Bargaining will commence with Red Deer Polytechnic on July 30, the union says, though Graham couldn’t comment at this time about the specifics of what they’re seeking because members are still putting together their proposal.

“With all the challenges working people are facing these days, solidarity is more important than ever,” Graham adds. “Fighting for what you deserve from your employer is difficult, but it’s easier when 100 of your fellow workers join the fight for a better collective agreement.”

In a statement, Red Deer Polytechnic’s Chief Human Resources Officer, Cristal Glass-Painchaud, says the institution respects and supports the decision made by Red Deer Polytechnic employees who voted recently to join AUPE, after being previously represented by CUPE.

“We are committed to a collaborative relationship with both the Polytechnic’s Faculty Association and AUPE constituent groups, working as partners towards common goals that include supporting our employees’ needs and nurturing a positive organizational culture that promotes the success of our students, while advancing our Polytechnic mandate,” says Glass-Painchaud.

The 100 members who left CUPE did so previously, a spokesperson confirms, adding that CUPE no longer has a presence at Red Deer Polytechnic.

The AUPE is hosting town halls across the province through June, including June 20 in Red Deer. They are focused on ongoing negotiations with the Alberta Government, Alberta Health Services, and several other employers.

More information about the town halls is here.

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