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report to come

Red Deer city council stresses urgency of tackling urban encampments

Jan 9, 2024 | 2:38 PM

Red Deer city council has requested administration to prepare a report on encampments within the city’s publicly owned lands.

At their meeting on Monday, council discussed a notice of motion regarding encampments brought forward by Councillor Lawrence Lee in December 2023.

READ: Two Red Deer city councillors present motions for removal of urban encampments and OPS

Lee opened the conversation by stating that encampments in public areas are not a proper representation of what a safe and healthy community aspires to be.

“I think we can all agree that, without exception, that the type of encampments that currently exist, in what many view as Red Deer’s most precious asset, our parks and trails, are not safe spaces either for the campers or the general public at large, where in Red Deer we do have enough shelter space to accommodate those currently experiencing houselessness or being unsheltered,” he said.

He added that city funds could be better spent on focusing on the permanent shelter progress rather than tearing down encampments.

The report, which will include outcomes and analysis of possible service level changes, has been requested to return to council prior to Quarter 3 of 2024 and will consider:

  • Reducing the time to dismantle encampments.
  • Preventing establishment of encampments.
  • Connecting rough sleepers with social supports and understanding overall community shelter capacity.
  • Developing recommendations for individuals setting up or using encampments to encourage them to seek alternative shelter.
  • How much money the City has spent on encampment cleanup over the past five years, and how much subsidy, if any, has been provided by other levels of government.
  • Including the continuum of housing that is currently available in Red Deer and what is needed.
  • A progress report on the review of Corporate Administrative Policy 3141C – Urban Encampment Response.

Ryan Veldkamp, Housing & Homelessness Supports Supervisor for the City, confirmed from the 2022 Point in Time Count, that out of 334 individuals counted, 235 individuals were sheltered either in emergency, transitional, or within public systems like remand, jail, or hospital, 33 individuals were within encampments, and 66 individuals were not in encampments but stated they had no place to stay that evening.

With regards to Red Deer’s available shelter space, he added that Safe Harbour is staffed to support 183 individuals, however often house more per evening as their fire capacity is over 200, and the Mustard Seed has a capacity of 35 male spaces and 11 female spaces.

Veldkamp stated that many individuals in encampments state they do not feel safe in shelter spaces or have issues with privacy, inability to bring pets, and wanting to be with partners. Lee responded that these concerns can be addressed through the structural design of shelters by looking to other examples of public spaces like schools, hospitals and assisting living facilities.

Some councillors like Kraymer Barnstable and Cindy Jefferies voiced frustrations with the motion, stating that administration was already working on a Railyards neighbourhood development strategy, touching on encampments, to be presented during the budget process.

READ: Railyards neighbourhood sees increase in encampments; downtown development strategies to come

Lee said the purpose of the motion was to make the topic of encampments top of mind and to uncover if those setting up encampments were new or repeating.

Councillor Dianne Wyntjes said concerns over encampment safety are legitimate, particularly in forested areas for risk of fires, but the emphasis must be placed on increasing permanent supportive housing stock.


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