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(Red Deer County)
littering is rubbish

Red Deer County tries to strike fear into illegal dumpers with hefty fine increase

Oct 19, 2023 | 3:47 PM

Illegally dump at your own risk, Red Deer County is warning residents.

The County and council is taking a harder stance against illegal dumping by massively hiking the penalty one would receive if caught, from $100 to $2,500.

The decision came after council received a public request to enhance the deterrent, with the now previous fine not seeming to have had much of an effect.

Since Jan. 1, 2018, 138 investigations into litter have been conducted, and just five have resulted in fines.

“We have a lot of garbage that people dump into our ditches, and these are big items like fridges, stoves and mattresses, not just small garbage. For some folks, it’s been easier to dump their garbage in the ditch, and a $100 fine wasn’t a deterrent at all,” says Mayor Jim Wood.

“When we looked at this, we knew it had to be a significant number to get people’s attention. It’s something we take very seriously, and we want people to know that if they aren’t complying, there are big consequences.”

Wood says the County has reasonable rates at its four waste transfer sites, so it being cost-prohibitive for people shouldn’t be an issue.

“Some folks just don’t really care, but we do; our council cares what Red Deer County looks like,” says Wood. “What we’ve done by increasing the fine is created attention on the item, which is just as important as the actual fine. The hard part is just catching people in the act.”

Wood notes that council heard dumping is quite random, as far as locations across the County.

Illegal dumping doesn’t just mean traditional garbage, but also includes rocks, brush, roots, twigs, branches and any other rubbish, refuse or debris, as outlined under Bylaw No. 2011/38 Road Protection and Traffic Control.

On a separate but not entirely unrelated note, County council approved fee increases at their meeting this week, which will be officially implemented through passing of the budget later this fall.

One series of increases includes the minimum fee at the Horn Hill Waste Transfer Station going from $5 to $7, in line with other waste management facilities such as at the one operated by the City of Red Deer. This is the first time the minimum fee is being increased.

All other tipping fees at Horn Hill, east of Junction 42, will increase 10 per cent, with the changes coming into effect Jan. 1, 2024.

Approved tipping fee changes, 10% at Horn Hill Waste Transfer Station, to take effect Jan. 1, 2024. The minimum fee also goes from $5 to $7.

More about the fee increases can be found in the council agenda for Oct. 17, 2023.