Major reconstruction of 19 Street to begin next week
A major construction project meant to make 19 Street as good as new is set to begin on Red Deer’s south end.
Work begins next Tuesday or Wednesday (May 16/17) and is scheduled to run through October, and then will resume for phase two in May 2024.
Work will include:
- Roadway rehabilitation: 19 St. between Irwin Ave. and Gaetz Ave. was last replaced in 1999; upgrades to the entire road infrastructure are needed to maintain the road’s integrity. This construction will take place from May to October 2023.
- Roundabout at 19 St. and 40 Ave.: Construction of a multi-lane modern roundabout at 19 St. and 40 Ave. will improve intersection capacity, reduce overall traffic delays by 80 per cent, and improve safety for all road users. Construction is anticipated for spring 2024.
- Trail connections: New multi-use trails will be built along the north side of 19 St. all the way to 40 Ave. in order to provide better multi-modal connectivity between neighbourhoods, parks, and commercial spaces.