Red Deer city council votes against rezoning application in Waskasoo area after public hearing
Following an eight-hour Public Hearing involving over 120 people, Red Deer city council unanimously voted to not approve rezoning or changes to the Waskasoo Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP) that would have allowed a multistoried independent seniors living accommodation in the area.
A special council meeting was set on May 3 for the public hearing and was continued the following day, regarding a land use bylaw amendment to rezone a privately owned 1.6 hectare parcel (4240 59 St) in the neighborhood from a Public Service (PS) District to the Residential (Multiple Family) District (R3). Council also voted on an amendment to the Waskasoo ARP to accommodate the future proposed development and gave first readings at their April 3 meeting.
READ: Waskasoo residents voice opposition to multi-storey seniors living accommodation in area
The Waskasoo Community Association (WCA), groups and residents were in attendance to voice concerns on the ARP, traffic and the natural environment.