Red Deer city council moves forward to remove Molly Banister road extension and bridge
Red Deer city council passed first reading on Monday to remove the future potential Molly Banister road extension and bridge across Piper Creek.
The City says a Special Meeting will also be held specifically for this item on January 16, 2023 at 3 p.m. along with a Public Hearing, due to the volume of residents that this topic has brought in the past.
This is the third application made by the developer, Melcor, in three years since 2019 to remove the four-lane road extension and bridge connecting Bower Place shopping centre with the Bower sister’s farmland south of Sunnybrook, shown in The City’s long term plans being the Municipal Development Plan (MDP) and East Hill Major Area Structure Plan (MASP).
While there is no limit to how many applications can be made, administration said there has been public concern that a person can apply to amend City plans as many times as they wish until receiving a favourable outcome. In response, administration proposed a limit on the number of similar applications allowed within a certain timeframe within the proposed bylaws, comparable to the Land Use Bylaw process.